This page contains the list of known typos and errors in the 2nd edition of “The R Primer” book. References in square brackets refer to the finder.
p. 8, line -1, “Also, the” Hanging sentence that should be deleted. [James Helmreich, Dec 28, 2017]
p. 135, lines 16-18, The sentence “In this case the coefficient for pulse…status.” should be removed altogether. It is a left-over from the example used in the 1st edition. [James Helmreich, Dec 28, 2017]
p. 164: This page contains some really annoying errors in particular that the odds of the 7 and 10 year olds have been swapped. The text should read
The odds ratio for wheezing for a random child aged 10 relative to a random child aged 7 are \(\exp(-0.3755) = 0.687\). Thus, the odds for wheezing at age 10 are 0.687 times the odds for wheezing at age 7 with a confidence interval that is \(\exp(-0.3755 \pm 1.96\times0.1467) = (0.515, 0.916).\)
Also, the naive standard errors in the last output box shows the eight standard errors from the first model, model
, and not from model2
which was referenced in the text just above the box. The output from model2
can be seen below
## [1] 0.136 0.132 0.134 0.144 0.177
[James Helmreich, Dec 28, 2017]
p. 185: first line after code box: “statically” should be “statistically”. [James Helmreich, Dec 28, 2017]
Please let me know of any typos and errors that you find in the book.